Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chicago...lately...random...a little bit of everything!

Why... hello there!

Whew, here we go with a biiiig post. Grab yourself something to snack on, a diet coke, sit back and stay awhile. This shiz gonna be long!

Yeah, that was our little Bella at the mexican restaurant a few weeks back. We got her a moustache from the vending machine. What? You parents don't do that? We thought it was cool. Moving on.

Let's start with Chicago. Robert and I went to Chicago for a few days last month. That was the longest that we have left Lexi Bella, and it was fun, but rough. We missed her so bad! With that being said, we also had a ton of fun. It was weird sitting at dinner and being able to eat at the same time...without Mickey Mouse playing on the Iphone (yes, Disney Junior App will save your life. Get it. ASAP.) Here are a few pics from the trip:




Yeah, fun. Lots of fun.
Next to LB lately..
17 months, where did you go?

Suzie and Lexi are BFF's.
Blue eyes :)

Poppy's Boots. :)

Cam's Birthday lunch!

In our house we cheer for Mizzou and the Cards!

We color.

We cook stuff.

We keep up with the Fall fashion trends...

We drive tractors with papa.

We wear red skinnies with gold ballet flats. Duh.

Sperrys....cheetah. yes.

We sit on tractor tires.

And we rock the messy hair look.
Yeah, we have a good time!

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