Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Yeast-Free and a Giveaway


So, I'm doing this yeast free thing. Honestly, it's not that bad! I found my inspiration from Stephanie and Kristen! These girls make it look easy and they saw major naturally I thought I'd give it a shot. It's the new thing apparently, because now Tess is doing it, too....among many others!

If you haven't read their blogs...well click off of this screen and get to it! Even if you aren't into yeast free or you don't want to lose weight, you should STILL check them out...well because frankly they are just awesome. Never met them before, but if you're a blogger, you understand that we all basically know each other because we post our lives on here. True? True.

As for me, I'm on day 3.

Day 1:
Breakfast: didn't eat it (I'm bad about that but have started doing better)
Lunch: 2 pieces of turkey lunch meat from deli, sugar snap peas, broccoli, egg salad (1 tsp greek plain yogurt, 4 eggs, diced pickles, squirt of mustard, salt and pepper)
Dinner: Baked Salmon with lemon, brussel sprouts (baked and drizzled with EVOO) and whole green beans

Snacks: almonds and veggies

** Let me note here that I made the energy balls but be careful because you will go to these for your sweet fix and they are NOT completely yeast free. Just a heads-up!**

Day 2:
Breakfast: Breakfast casserole (10 Eggs, Jimmy Dean sausage, red pepper and onion)
Lunch: Leftover Salmon and Brussel Sprouts
Dinner: Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti (this is good!)

I've drank coffee in the morning and then tea/water the rest of the day....I put Truvia in my tea and honestly I haven't craved my Diet coke that I thought I just could NOT live without.

My biggest problem so far has been fighting the urge to eat sweets. Sweet Tess suggested Almond I'm off to get that today.

Overall, I would say this diet it totally doable! I would agree with what all of these girls have said before--it all comes down to meal preparation! You have be think 3 steps ahead all of the time or you will get in a situation where you need something fast and you can't do YF fast. So plan those meals and stick with it!

As for my husband and 2 year old...I have been making them alternatives to my YF stuff. Like a baked potato or mac and cheese...Lexi is a picky eater I usually have to try 2-3 things before she will eat.

I'm not a picture-poster, but I love it when other people do. I don't know, just feel weird doing it!
I will say that I've lost 2 lbs! 2 days= 2 pounds...I'm happy with that.

So here's to all you YF'ers! Let's share our recipes, share what works and doesn't and get with the program!!

Oh, and before I go...
Go see Lia!
My Photo 
She's having a stellar giveaway!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Case of the Pukies!

Last night around 3 AM Bella woke up with the pukies. Ugh! Poor little baby girl couldn't get easy and just kept throwing up, so nobody slept until about 5 AM. Needless to say I stayed home with her today and we have been snugglin' and cuddlin' all day. I hate that she is sick, but man do I enjoy these days! I can't wait until she get's back to this sassy little attitude!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Lately it seems I have let this 'ol blog go down. I haven't even posted all of our Christmas pictures. Yeah, it's almost February. I am terrible! One thing I have stuck with is Instagram. I post pictures there from our everyday life and can't live without it. However, when I print this big blog book, I'm going to want to look back and see what all we did in our busy days. SO, for now, here is our little Lexi Belle lately. 20 months of fun right here, folks. She is so stinkin' sweet. She's starting to do some really grown up things, like tucking in her babies and kissing them. It melts my heart every time.

Lexi Belle's first hair cut!!! She just got it trimmed up and was such a big girl! We took her to a place in Leawood that was JUST for kids and she did great!!!

 She found where the Hershey kisses were....and she frequents this spot quite often. 


 She made a friend at Cameron's basketball game and wouldn't stop hugging her. She loves kids!

Blog every day. That's my goal. Even if it is just one picture of our Bella!